Nose Dive

  • The Growth Of Vegan Beauty

    The Growth Of Vegan Beauty

    As you probably know by now January is Veganuary, a month where lots of people sign up and try to eat a vegan diet for a month. As a brand with entirely vegan products this is of course something we...

  • Our Most Underrated Scents

    Our Most Underrated Scents

    Calling a product underrated is of course not saying that is it nobody's favourite, these fragrances are simply some of our scents that we believe should be talked about more! Now of course every person has their preferences when it...

  • Introducing Tallulah's Camellia

    Introducing Tallulah's Camellia

    You probably know all about Tallulah's Camellia by now with Dom and Juliette discussing it on QVC and all of the wonderful bloggers we have worked with giving you all the goss. If, like me, you like to know even...

  • Why You Should Give Up Makeup Wipes For Good

    Why You Should Give Up Makeup Wipes For Good

    I think we all know by now that face wipes should be avoided as much as possible. It is reported that wipes are the cause of 93% of sewer blockages with 9.3 million wipes being flushed down toilets every day....

  • How To Make Leather And Musk Vegan

    How To Make Leather And Musk Vegan

    We love simplicity at Shay & Blue. Usually perfumes are made with 80+ ingredients - our fragrances are made with less than fifteen. We take care over every ingredient, making sure it is the best quality and made sustainably. We...

  • Couples Who Share Scent - Calum and Becca

    Couples Who Share Scent - Calum and Becca

    At Shay & Blue we make fragrances for all genders. The old rules about who can wear which perfume are O-V-E-R. We say if you love it then wear it. Experiment, enjoy and share if that's your thing. Sharing your...


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